Malaysian Sexperience

Almost one month ago I had a poor experience, and I am still hurt which is why I went on my Malaysian Sexperience. I had a breakup with the girl whom I loved the most. Stopped going outside and locked myself in my house. Due to my weird condition, my friends planned the Malaysian pleasure trip to cheer me up and get myself out of this trauma.

A Last Minute Trip

We departed from India to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Friday night and decided to stay there for a whole week. We all rested in the hotel room for a while and decided to go out later at night. My mood was not good at that time. As I was still not getting out of that breakup. Anyhow I was pretending to look happy for my friends. We took a cab for the club and reached there at almost 11 at night.

Everyone was dancing and pulling me to the dance floor. I danced for a while and then moved out of all the gathering and sat at the corner with a drink in my hand. After sometime, a beautiful girl who was almost 21 years old came to me and asked me to sit beside me.

I thought she is just looking for a place to sit and didn’t find any, so she came here after seeing a free space.

My First Meeting 

Just after sitting on the couch, she told me her name “Isabella” and moved her hand to me for a handshake. I was shocked for a while that what have just happened but after few seconds. Pulled myself back and told her, “I am Vivaan.”

She instantly said, “Are you, Indian.”  I said, “Yes, I am Indian”.

She started telling about herself that she has lots of Indian friends in the UK due to which she is very much familiar with Indian boy’s names. Then she continued talking. And told me different stories about her family, friends, college, and other activities. I was just staring at her in a confused way that “what type of girl she is? 

As we were strangers an hour ago and she is telling me everything about her now.

She Made Me Fall Hard 

I was just in the middle of these thoughts when she said something to me that really made me confused. She said, “I have been noticing you from the time when you entered the club. You attracted me a lot with your looks that I really can’t resist myself to talk to you, but”, then she stopped.

I asked her, “but?”

Then she continued talking, “but all of a sudden, you came here and sat alone in such a sad mood away from the whole dancing party. I didn’t understand what suddenly happened to you? Figured out that you have some kind of problem. So I am here to talk to you and try to solve your problem.’

I told her that ‘I am fine and I have no issue’. But she kept asking me. I was refusing her, and she was continuously asking me. I started to get annoyed but couldn’t ask her to leave.

malaysian sexperience
Beautiful Malaysian Girls

When she was not backing away, I told her everything.

After listening to my story, she laughed out loud. I was confused and quite angry with her that she is laughing at my pain. That time I shouted at her that there is no need to laugh if you cannot understand my pain.

Then she stopped laughing and said, “I am not laughing at you as I’m laughing at that girl’s foolishness that left you. You are so beautiful and cute that she will never find a boy like you in her life. Also, you loved her a lot, so what else she wanted from life? What a poor girl.”

I stood up and shouted at her quite loud, “Poor girl? Is she a poor girl? How can you say that? She left me, I didn’t leave her.  She left me at the peak of our relationship where I was totally into her. I never imagined my entire life without her. Now she is not with me, and you are saying her poor girl?”

I turned back and walked away. When I walked away a few steps a hand came to my shoulder and it turned me around. That was Isabella. She started to kiss me on lips too intensively that I could not stop her from doing it.

Her Body Made Me Crazy

A Kiss had too much intensity that I could not resist myself and started kissing her back. She took me to the cabin and threw me on the couch. Started to take her clothes off. She was totally naked in front of me.  That was the moment when I was just looking on her breasts and her milky body.  She came near to me and took my penis out of my pants. Put it inside her mouth and started sucking it.

That pleasure was awesome. Her lips and tongue were touching every inch of my penis. My penis veins started to swallow. I was literally feeling that her soft tongue and delicate lips were increasing the flow inside the veins of my penis.

After that, she pulled my pants off and sat down on my lap. Taking my whole penis inside her vagina. It was too hot inside her that I had never experienced such sexual pleasure in my entire life.

She was literally fucking me up

Kissing me all over my chest during that whole penetration. She was kissing my neck, my lips and her breasts were touching my chest all the time. Those soft nipples were literally driving me crazy. I took her down; she was on the couch. From that moment, it was my turn.

I fucked her pussy so hard that she started to scream.

My hands were all the time on her clit. She became too hot that her face and breast turned red. We had sex twice that night. It was a mad sex night. Only thing that even came close was the sex I had with a singapore escort. I don’t know what happened to me that night. Maybe it was her dominance that I was experiencing.

But anyhow, it was the best sex experience of my life.

Malaysian Sexperience

After coming back from Malaysia, I started to live life happily. I never saw Isabella after that night. Because that was the only thing that she told me after sex that we will not meet or talk again.  I must say though that it makes a great story for an erotic sex blog. 

If only I could publish it it would be a great addition to an adult services guide to malaysia.

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