kl escort

Alan sat in the taxi taking him from the airport watching the sights go by. Pondering his life thinking about the KL Escort he would like to meet. It had not really gone as planned and his marriage had not worked out. Sarah his wife had left him just a few months before. His career has been on hold for years. He just didn’t stand out from the other workers and he was forever overlooked when it came to promotion.

Well, that was how it had been until last month when out of the blue he was offered a big promotion. Just days after he had started the new role, he was sent off to Singapore to meet up with a major supplier.

Meeting the KL Escort

Alan arrived at the hotel and it was still early in the evening. He had slept most of the flight and didn’t really want to go to be yet. So he thought it might be an idea to go for a quick walk around and perhaps have a drink in a bar. This city was so unlike the small UK town where he lived. It was full of sounds, music, and colors that gave it such an exotic feel. Even though much of the architecture was very western.

Eventually, he took a seat just outside a bar and sat down to watch the people going past. That was when he saw her, a beautiful Asian woman with such an amazing figure. Slim, and not the least bit overweight like his wife had been. He was so engrossed by her beauty that he kept his gaze firmly upon her. Eventually, she noticed his attention, walking across to his table. She stood there and smiled at Alan. He was initially embarrassed by the fact that she had seen him staring. But after a moment or two, he realized that she had intentionally come across.

She was no doubt a hooker of some sort and I had no idea about escorts in KL Malaysia, let alone any other city!

the KL Escort
Sexy KL Escort

Taking her Bed

Alan’s head was spinning. Suddenly he was imagining taking this woman to the bed and all the things that they would do. His wife had not paid him much attention in the past and she had gone some months before. Since then he had been celibate. His company had been very generous with his expenses for this trip.

He was talking himself into paying for sex

Something he had never done before.

With all this running through his head he did not hear the first few words she spoke to him. On realizing that she was talking to him, he was suddenly brought back to reality. She was asking his name and whether he was American. Alan immediately corrected her and announced he was British and without realizing it, he blurted out his name and why he was in Singapore. As she took a set opposite she said, you must tell me more.

They chatted for a while. Alan was becoming more and more excited at the thought he might have sex with this beautiful woman.  Trouble was that he did not know the way to go about concluding a transaction.  Eventually she introduced herself as “Siti” and was quite blunt about what she was offering.

That was to spend the night with him for $175.

Alan was relieved that she had been so direct and he readily agreed to the transaction. Siti stood up and as she did so, she announced that they should go to his hotel room. Alan stood up and walked alongside her towards the hotel, with he clinging to his arm.

On reaching the room, she immediately said, let’s get the business done first. Alan gave her the agreed sum and he stood there unsure what to do.

Siti smiled and suggested that she first bathed him in the shower

As they walked towards the shower, Siti, began to remove her clothes, and Alan seeing this followed her lead.

Alan looked at her perfectly trim body and pert breasts, and it suddenly became a reality that she was his for the night. She guided Alan into the shower and using a facecloth she found, began to soap the cloth and rub his face and body.  Alan felt so aroused that his cock was proudly standing out. As she continued to wash down his body she began to clean it very gently, first of all wiping it with the cloth and then washing off the soap.

She was now kneeling at his feet and her face was just inches away from his cock.

KL escort in Singapore
Erotic Stories from Singapore

Moving forward Siti took his cock into her mouth

Gently massaged it with her tongue. Alan was concerned that he was going to blow his load there and then, so he was relieved when she used her hands to turn him away from her. She continued washing his rear. Then grasped his cheeks with her hands and pulled them apart. Moving her head forward until she was kissing his anus, twirling her tongue around its edge and occasionally pushing her tongue hard into its depths. Alan’s wife would have been appalled at even thinking about doing this and it was a totally new experience for him.

Siti knew what she was doing

She turned off the water from the showerhead and patted Alan dry with the towel. That done she directed him to go and lay down on the bed while she washed. Alan obediently lay down on the huge bed with his cock rock solid and pointing directly up.

He closed his eyes and memorized how good this experience felt. Was stirred by Siti sliding up his legs and placing his cock at the entrance to her pussy as she sat astride him. Alan lay looking at her magnificent body that was on display to him. She smiled as she lowered herself onto his cock and she was certainly skilled. He could feel her muscles massaging his cock as he entered her.  Felt he should raise himself and be more active but she told him just to lay back as she raised and lowered herself up and down his cock

Alan knew that it would not be long before he came

He tried to distract himself so that he would last longer, but it was to no avail and he began to pump his seed deep into her. It seemed to go on forever, and probably not having sex for months before resulted in an even greater volume of white cum.  She pushed herself down so that he was fully inside her and milked him with her vaginal muscles. When she finally lifted herself off of him white gobs of cum dropped down onto his legs. His cock was coated in a mixture of their juices.

Siti smiled and leaned forward licking up the drops of cum that had fallen onto his legs.

She then took his semi-erect cock into her mouth and cleaned off the cum and juices before swallowing them. Alan felt a little disappointed that it was all over, assuming that now he had cum that would be it . Siti had other ideas and spread his legs laying between them.  She then lifted his legs so that she had access to his rear. Before she buried her head in between his arse cheeks she said, I could tell you liked this when I kissed you here in the shower.”

She then proceeded to work on his anus with her tongue until once again his cock was standing rigid, pointing at Alan’s face.  She lowered Alan’s legs and moved to his cock where she began to suck on his balls before once again taking his cock into her soft mouth.

It was while she was doing this that Alan began to think of something that he had always wanted to do with his wife, but that she had refused.

Alan wanted to fuck Siti’s ass.

He felt confident asking her as she clearly had no limitations.

So he asked. “Siti, can I fuck your ass?

Siti removed his cock from her mouth, looked up at him, and said that of course, he could. She reached into her bag, which was at the side of the bed, and gave him a tube of gel, which she instructed him to massage into and around her anus. She then repositioned herself on the very edge of the bed on all fours, so that Alan could stand behind her.

Alan stood behind her and held open her cheeks so he could see her tight little button. Then he smeared gel around her anus and gradually worked it into the hole using his finger. He was fascinated at how his finger moved in and out of her ass. Suddenly she told him to use two fingers and he slid two fingers together into her as she started to make a little moaning noise.

Then she screamed at him “Fuck my ass!”

This escort from Kuala Lumpur was really into this.

Alan stood close and fed his cock gently into where his fingers had just been, and he pushed. He was pushing gently so as not to hurt her, but she screamed for him to “fuck her hard!

Alan did this and was really quite rough, thrusting his cock in and out of her ass. He never fully entered her for fear he would hurt her. Anyway it felt so good just entering her a couple of inches. This was not enough for Siti, and she pushed back hard, just as he was about to cum. His cock was pushed deep inside her at the very moment he started to spurt even more of his white cum. He stood for a moment with his cock deep inside her.

As it started to shrink once more he pulled it out and lay down on the bed exhausted. Siti went to the bathroom and when she returned she lay alongside Alan with her head nuzzling his chest before they both fell asleep.

Alan was aware of her at around dawn but when he finally woke once again, she was gone.

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