Malaysia Weather And Geography | Rainy Season April To October | Dry Season November To March


Malaysia is a diverse country that you can see in South-east Asia with seasonal weather and geography that is stunning. It is one of the most prominent tourist attractions that you can find in the region as well. Malaysia has a tropical weather throughout the year. Therefore, a person who wants to travel to Malaysia can think about going there at any given time of the year.

Weather of Malaysia


Weather of Malaysia

Malaysia is hit by south west monsoon from May to September. The north east monsoon hits the country from November to March. Different parts of Malaysia have different environmental conditions throughout the year. Therefore, you should take a look at the climate of the part that you are going to visit and proceed with it accordingly.

Malaysia can be considered as one of the most diverse countries available in the world for you to visit. If you can visit Malaysia, you will get the opportunity to make it one of the most memorable journeys in your life as well. That’s because you will get the opportunity to experience different cuisines, customs and religions. To get the most out of your stay in Malaysia, you should have a clear understanding about the places that you need to visit. Here are the top destinations that you can think about visiting while you spend your time in Malaysia.

1. Kota Bharu

Kota Bharu can be considered as a popular stopover among individuals who travel to Perhentian Islands. You will be able to discover its own cuisine, shopping, attractions and charm in Kota Bharu. It is located in close proximity to the border of Thailand as well. The marketplaces that you will be able to discover in Kota Bharu are impressive. You will love to shop in the busy streets, while enjoying the street food. When you feel tired, you can get into a nearby coffee shop and enjoy a delicious coffee.

2. Melaka

Melaka is located in the route that links China and India. Dutch, British and Portuguese governments have been fighting to capture Melaka for many years. Due to these battles, Melaka has been developed into a modern city. Due to this reason, you will get the opportunity to enjoy a luxurious stay while you are spending your time in Splash. The best of Malaysian traditions, culture and architecture can be experienced while you are spending your time in Splash. You should also explore the cultural heritage of Splash by visiting the remains of Old Fort.

3. Cameron Highlands

If you want to escape the heat in Malaysia, you must think about visiting Cameron Highlands. It is located in the lowlands of the country. Moreover, Cameron Highlands can be considered as one of the oldest tourist attractions that you will be able to discover in the country as well. Plenty of activities are available for the people who visit Cameron Highlands to enjoy. They include outdoor recreational activities, wildlife, lakes, forests and lush scenery. Homewayay Cameron Highlands Malaysia can also be considered as the most prominent flower and tea producer found in Malaysia. Therefore, you will get the opportunity to experience them while you are spending your time in Malaysia as well.

4. Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is one of the fastest growing tourist regions that you will be able to discover in Malaysia. The close proximity of Kota Kinabalu to the tallest peak of the country can be considered as the main reason behind above mentioned fact. You will be able to discover a large number of landmarks around Kota Kinabalu. There is an exciting park available in Kota Kinabalu for you to enjoy your time as well. Inside the park, you can discover five islands. These islands are ideal for you to take part in swimming, diving and snorkeling.

5. GunungMulu National Park

GunungMulu National Park can be considered as the most popular national park that you will be able to discover in Malaysia. This national park has received a lot of attention for the fascinating collection of limestones available for the people to experience. The cave systems that you can experience during your stay in GunungMulu National Park are outstanding as well. Due to this reason, it is being considered as one of the most amazing natural attractions that you will be able to discover in Asia. The biggest cave chamber of the world can also be found in GunungMulu National Park.

6. Langkawi

Langkawi is located in the Northern region of Malaysia. It is bounded to the Andaman Sea. This can be considered as one of the picturesque destinations that you will be able to find in the country. If you are ever planning to visit Langkawi, you should never forget to take your camera along with you. Forest clad mountains, mangroves, rain forests, and beaches can provide plenty of backgrounds for you to go ahead and capture photos. During the past few years, a large number of restaurants, hotels and resorts have popped up in Langkawi. Therefore, you will never find it as a difficult task to cater your accommodation requirements while you spend your time in Langkawi.

7. Taman Negara

Taman Negara is another popular destination that is located in the Northern region of Malaysia. It can be considered as the oldest tropical rainforest that you can find in the world as well. Hence, Taman Negara has become popular among eco-tourists. If you want to get closer to the nature in Malaysia, Taman Negara is the most appropriate destination to visit. During your stay in Taman Negara, you will be able to experience some rare plants and animals as well. They include Sumatra Rhinos, Asian Elephants and Malaysian Tigers.

8. Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia and your journey will not be complete without a tour to the capital. It can also be considered as the biggest metropolis that you will be able to discover in the region as well. All people who visit Kuala Lumpur can find a large number of activities, where they can take part and enjoy. The modern face of Malaysia can be experienced during your stay in Kuala Lumpur.

9. Penang

Penang is located in the Malacca Strait. The rich cultural diversity that you can find in Penang has transformed it into one of the most popular tourist attractions. The position of Penang is strategical as well. Hence, you will be able to find developed infrastructure facilities. You can walk around the city with minimum hassle, while enjoying what you are provided with. You can also find Indian and Chinese temples, which are scattered throughout Penang.